
Christmas Greetings

Dear All, Jai Guru Datta & Jai Sri Hanuman Happy Christmas 2017 We are pleased to announce that Hanuman Hindu Temple will Open Tomorrow Saturday 23 December 2017 During the festival period, please take note of small changes to opening days and times Saturday 23-Dec-17 – OPEN  9:30am – 11:30am...

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Pradhana Anagha Astami

Dear All, Jai Guru Datta & Jai Sri Hanuman We cordially invite you to join us for the celebration of Pradhana Anagha Ashtami on (Maragshira Bahula Ashtami): Sunday Morning: 10/12/2017 – 10:30am to 12:45pm (Registration: 10:30am – Puja starts 11:15am) Registration required to participate Please bring Fruits and Flowers for...

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Dattatreya Jayanti 2017

Dear All, Jai Guru Datta & Jai Sri Hanuman We cordially invite you to join us for the celebration of Dattatreya Jayanti. Program Friday evening. 1/12/2017 – 7:00pm to 8:15pm Taila Abhishekam to Guru Dattatreya Saturday evening 2/12/2017 – 5:00pm to 8:15pm Anagha Vratam 1000 names of Guru Dattatreya Bhajans...

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Kartika Month Celebration

Dear All, Jai Guru Datta & Jai Sri Hanuman Kartika Month Importance The month of Kartika starts after Diwali. It is very auspicious in Hindu religion. Devotees are requested to have early morning shower before sunrise. Energy of Ganga, Yamuna and Sarasvati is present in water to bestow health and...

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Diwali Celebrations

Dear All, Jai Guru Datta & Jai Sri Hanuman We are pleased to invite you all to join us during the Diwali celebrations Tue 17th Oct 7:30pm to 8:30pm– Dhanateras Puja (Laxmi & Dhanavantari Puja) Devotees are requested to bring silver coin for the Laxmi puja Prayers to Dhanavantari (god...

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Navratri Festivities 2017

Dear All, Jai Guru Datta & Jai Sri Hanuman We are pleased to invite you all to join us during the Navratri festivities 21st Sept – 29th Sept : Daily Devi Puja and Namarchana (108 names) from 8pm – 9pm Please arrive by 07:30PM for Devi Puja Sankalpam 24th Sept – Garba 2pm to...

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Navaratri Garba 2017

Dear All, Jai Guru Datta & Jai Sri Hanuman We are pleased to invite you all to the first Navaratri Garba event after the opening of the Hanuman Hindu Temple. Navaratri Garba will take place this Sunday 24th September 2017 from 2.00pm to 6.00pm Professional singers and musicians will conduct...

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Ganesha Festival 2017 – Livestream

Dear All, Jai Guru Datta & Jai Sri Hanuman In the presence of P.P. Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji, we are delighted to announce that the celebration of GANESHA FESTIVAL 2017 will be broadcast LIVE. Please join us at: Ganesha Festival Live Streaming All are welcome. Om Namo Hanumate Namaha Board of Trustees

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SHRAVANA MONTH CELEBRATIONS 2017 Dear All Jai Guru Datta, Jai Sri Hanuman, Aum Namaha Shivaaya We cordially invite all to perform Shiva puja daily until 21 August 2017 The priest, Mr Pavan Datta will conduct 2 group puja’s daily Morning Slot 1 = 10:00am and Slot 2 = 11:00am Evening...

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