Jai Sri Ram, Jai Sri Hanuman, Jai Guru Datta
We invite all to visit the Temple to welcome the New Year together
We wish all a Happy YUGADI & GUDI PADAVO
Shaka 1944 ShubhaKruta Nama Samvatsara
(Devotees visiting the Temple are requested to wear a mask at all times)
- Sarva Devata Pooja: 10:15am – No Livestream
- £25 (Inc Hanuman Pooja)
- £15 (Archana)
- Hanuman Pooja: 11am – Facebook Livestream
- £15 – Pooja
- £5 – Archana
Evening: Join us to celebrate together in the Temple (No Livestream)
- Panchanga Shravanam – In Telugu (Reading of Planetary Positions from Ephemeris)
- Vishnu Sahasranam
- Hanuman Chalisa
*Family means husband, wife + unmarried children